Monday, October 7, 2019
The Oakland Volunteer Fire Department hosted our annual Fire Prevention Open House. Members of our community were invited to attend this special event to learn more about fire prevention with this year’s campaign being – "Not All Hero’s Ware a Cape - Plan and Practice your Escape".
One of the cornerstones of the event was the announcement of our Fire Prevention poster winners who also received a Plaque honoring their selection. Children from our three Elementary Schools from Kindergarten to 5th Grade submitted posters depicting Fire Prevention ideas. One winner from each school for each grade were selected as the winner on the contest with 18 winners in all being chosen among the hundreds of posters received for the contest.
Parents and Children were also able to see demonstrations from the OVFD on how we use certain pieces of equipment, such as the Jaws for Life, kids were able to use fire hoses on our fire prevention house to put out faux fires and parents and children were able to walk through the Smoke House trailer, courtesy of the HoHoKus Fire Department, to see firsthand what it is like when a home fills up with smoke and learn the best ways to exit that home safely and quickly.
They were also given a demonstration as to how a fire spreads in a home, how much time it takes for a fire to fully engulf a structure and at what heat point can a fireman safely stay in a burning building. The demonstration was led by fireman Leigh Dodd using a model house he built to show how smoke and fire spread in a wood structure.
Thank You to All who participated in helping to make this year’s event a great success. And a special Thank You to our Ladies Auxiliary who served refreshments to our guests and to firemen Dan D'Elia and Ed Kimmel for serving hot dogs. |